City Information

An ancient city, with a history starting with the Hittites, situated in the Central Anatolian Region, is Kirsehir, 181 km from Ankara. In the middle ages, it was famous as the center of the Ahi Brotherhood, which is a Moslem sect based on discrete ideals that have moral and spiritual effects on Anatolian society. The founding father of the brotherhood was Ahi Evran, who lived and died here. The mosque and tomb carrying his name are constructed side by side, and are among the many fine buildings of Kirsehir. The Alaeddin Mosque of 1230, is another important sight in the city, as is the Cacabey Mosque of 1272, which was previously used as an astronomical observatory. The Mausoleums of Melik Gazi and Muhterem Hatun are the remains from the Seljuk times, while the Kale Mosque dates back to the Ilhanli period. On the road to Kayseri, is the Asik Pasa Mausoleum of 1333. which was built during the hegemony of Mongols. Kirsehir is an attractive city also with its natural beauties, like long rivers and greenery. The Hirfanli Dam Lake is an outstanding place with a beautiful view, and opportunities for fishing. The thermal springs of Avci, Terme, Karakurt and Bulamacli are examples of both historical sites and fine resting spots. These spa centers possess effectively curative waters, and are worth a visit by the those suffering from various illnesses. On Lake Seyfe 167 kinds of water birds have been spotted, and the sighting of 320,000 flamingos, is well worth a mention.

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Local Weather Condition

Latitude(°  ' ) Longitude(°  ' ) PoR (year) E (m)    M C  (0-10) M H  (%) MRF (mm) DwR PWD MWS (m/sn) H T    (°C) M Tmax (°C) M Tmin (°C) L T    (°C) M T  (°C) DwS DwoS
39 09 34 10 42 985 6.1 69 42.1 10.5 SSE 2.2 28.2 11 -0.6 -17.8 4.9 4 10.7
PoR : Period of Record (year) E : Elevation (m) M C : Mean Cloud (0-10) M H : Mean Humidity (%)
M R F : Mean Rain Fall (mm) DwR : Days with rain PWD : Prevail wind direction MWS : Mean wind speed (m/sn)
H T : Highest T (°C) M Tmax : Mean Tmax (°C) M Tmin : Mean Tmin (°C) L T : Lowest T (°C)
M T : Mean T (°C) DwS : Days with Sun DwoS : Days without Sun